Some of the best amateur radio links we reviewed during the 2019.
A large printable PDF file representing the world time zones. This map gives an overview of current local times around the world. If you ever asked yourself what time zone am i in, find your answer here.
An air-wound balun made with coaxial cable can not become saturated because no powder iron or ferrite core is present. In this article author explains and compare coax baluns to ferrite baluns with comparison tables and detailed pictures
In this experiment the autor is going to explore the use of a 1:64 matching network on the End Fed Long Wire Antenna. Experiment will consist in build a 80-40-20-15-10 meter End Fed Long Wire Antenna with a 1:64 matching network from the documentation available on the internet
Easy to build CW decoder based on DSP Goertzel code. If you want to build a cw decoder without using other active components than an atmel 328, Arduino UNO, then this is sure something for you.
An home made vertical dipole antenna made with simple material. The antenna has a total length of aproximately 16 feet. In this article appeared on June QST 2019, the author explain how he reached the optimal confirugation changing and adjusting the lower part of the antenna, trimming and spacing correctly the copper wire. PDF File to downloas
22 Different Wire Antennas for the 160 Meter Band, Random Length Radiator Wire, delta loop, loop antennas, off-centered antennas, sloper, dipoles, Z antenna, Zepp and Clothesline Antennas
An excellent guide to homebrewing multi band end-fed antennas. The article, embed several drawings including diagrams and detailed pictures, illustrating the basic funcionality of end-fed antennas. The author gives some basic hints on how to build a half size antenna for 80 40 to 10 meters and a 6 meter to 40 meter configuration. It is also well described how to build the impedance transformer and the loading coils for lower bands.
A PDF presentation about Amateur Radio and Linux by By: Dave Mamanakis. A beginners guide to Linux for radio amateurs, this presentation cover basic concepts of the open source operative system, from the basic installation to the setup of ham radio programs.
The Micro24 is a ultra compact microsize QRP SSB transceiver for the 20 meters amateur radio band. This transceiver is so small that it fits into one hand.
How to Increase your CW speed article by George Allison, K1IG as published on QST
A 600W 1.8 MHz to 54 MHz power linear amplifier made using rugged MRF300 transistors featuring output power between 580W and 750W depending on band, power supply: 48V, 18A typical, 20A max
A family of small size QRP SSB transceivers for the 15 MHz. Includes a cigarette pocket size QRP transceiver and a larger shirt-pocket transceiver.
An article describing equipment needed to make portable operations evenin winter cold times. The article is completed by a nice video describing not only the radio setup but even the tent and power supply equipment
An article that explain with simple concepts and basic theory the correct usage of antenna tuners. It covers some aspects of common questions newcomers have on what antenna tuners are for, and what antenna tuners will never do.
In this article the author describes some new designs of ferrite loaded chokes for suppressing unwanted common mode currents at HF applied to feed lines like choke baluns, but also in the shack, applied to various coaxial, mains and data cables
The Hermes-Lite is a low-cost direct down/up conversion software defined amateur radio HF transceiver based on a broadband modem chip and the Hermes SDR project. It is entirely open source and open hardware, including the tools used for design and fabrication files. Over 300 Hermes-Lite 2.0 units have been successfully built.
How to program Baofeng handheld transceiver with satellite frequencies, and how to get alerts when satellites are visible by using a smartphone app. A beginners guide to work satellites with a common VHF handheld radio.
A simplified Guide to the FT8. Dxpedition mode. By Stefano IK2HKT – Rel. 2.0.0 - January 2019. This document explains how to configure WSJT to work on F/H mode DXPedtions, how to operate and make a call to a dxpedition calling CQ in FT8 Fox Mode.
A handy piece of test equipment useful for HF bands, can absorb a 200W modulated carrier for almost 2 minutes. It is housed in a tin and part filled with dry sand that helps in power dissipation
A project of a small antenna, just 50 cm for the 7 MHz band. An EH Antenna plan for the 40 meters band
Excel spreadsheet that help calculating dimensions of a high efficiency magnetic loop antenna for HF bands. Giving in input the loop perimeter, loop diameter and loop conductor will calculate electric characteristics, bandwidth, and efficiency
The advantage of 5/8 wave antenna is that it has the lowest angle of radiation and has about 1dB more gain when compared to 1/4 and 1/2 verticals. So the 5/8 should be the favourite choice for DX.
An home made doblet antenna made with two Slinkys that are aproximately five meters in length connected with a twin-feed connected to a balanced ATU
The information in this article has come from many amateur sources, the most notable was from WA6TEY (sk 1985) Ray Frost, who was a pioneer of VHF Quad designs and one of the best Southern California Transmitter Hunters. Ray built hundreds two meter quads in single and paired configurations as well as his famous mobile radio direction finding quad.
A Tower Project at WOIVJ. A pictorial story of the erection of a 40 foot, self-supporting, fold-over tower.
Homemade moxon antenna for the 40 meter band. This article is not very descriptive but includes some very detailed images
A video about secret listeners ham radio voluntary interceptors during ww2 an extract from The Secret Wireless War DVD
Getting started on RTTY contesting. A PDF by ED Muns, presented at CTU conterst university, about amateur radio RTTY Contesting
Azimuthal map with DX spot reporting updated online taking source from DX Cluster spot or Skimmer
An interesting guide to installing software on a Raspberry for amateur radio use. This documentation cover the Raspberry Pi 4 version that whose hadware is powerfull enought to fullfill all requiriements for ham radio programs.
The list represented in this article is just a selection of best amateur radio links we have reviewed and added to our links directory.