The HF ham bands can be mysterious. Some work at night, some during the day. Some seem to be good for long distance contacts while some are better for nearby contacts. Even worse, they change tremendously from hour to hour and day to day. An overview on operating on HF amateur radio bands
How to create a low pass filter able to reduce or even remove the noise generated from your car or truck alternator
Slaying the grim reaper of internet router noise on 6 meter
How to reduce and eliminate the RF interference at VHF caused by the wired network
The importance of an efficient antenna feed line that can minimize the disturbing noise for an optimal signal reception
How to setup and install custom filters, usually inrad, into Yaesu FT 857 and FT 897 transceivers
A portable HF vertical antenna that can be used from 10 to 20 meters band
This is a page to detail how I remotely operate my Elecraft K2 HF transceiver via my home network. The method used should apply to pretty much any amateur transceiver that can be controlled by serial port.
Setting up as a Panadapter for TS 590S or 590SG using RSP Radio Spectrum Processor with HDSDR, VSPE, TRX-Manager and Logic9
A Phased Array Switchbox by ComTek founder K8UR, switch your 4-Square in 8 directions and control it remotely over the internet