A javascript online calculator for popular wire antennas, from the standard easy to build flat-top dipole, to the inverted V dipole, but also the Quad Loop, and the equilateral delta loop antenna
A 70cm ground plane antenna made with a 90cm of 1mm silver steel rod
Radiosport headsets & boom-mic headsets for amateur radio
QrssPiG is short for QRSS (Raspberry)Pi Grabber able to process I/Q stream from an rtl-sdr, HackRF or other sdr devices
A vector graphic antenna analyzer project page by DC2WK demonstrating a project realized by DG7EAO includes, part list, schematics, and videos.
A dual band delta loop antenna resonating on 30 and 40 meters band using a single wire for the top slopers on both 30 and 40 meters and does not need any balun
Online javascript antenna calculator designed to give the critical information of a particular beam antenna, in this case a seven element Yagi, for the frequency chosen.