A wire dipole antenna for the 80 and 40 meters band obtained by folding elements of a dipole and feeding with a 1:4 balun.
This document describe serveral wire antennas, from the folded dipole, to the common halfwave monoband antenna for those who want to make HF portable operations in holiday.
An introduction to digital modes DMR Fusion and D-Star. This excellent article will guide you to learn differences between these digital modes by evaluating costs, ease of use and programaming, extendability and more characteristics.
TYT MD-2017 Dual-Band Analog and DMR Handheld Transceiver Reviewed by Pascal Villeneuve, VA2PV
FreeDV plus Video adds simultaneous digital voice (FreeDV) to ZL2AFP’s OFDM TV (see OFDM TV page listed under Software/SSTV and FreeDV page listed under Software/Digital Voice). An older version of OFDM TV is used, modified for compatibility with FreeDV. The video is 1 frame/sec, 36-lines, with full color. Total bandwidth is 3.5 kHz.
Iambic and Straight key amateur ham radio CW Morse code practice oscillators for Android. This Android app gives you both straight and iambic CW Morse code practice key oscillators. Each key translates Morse code into English and CW prosigns in real time as you practice. Practice sending Morse code with a straight key oscillator. Settings include WPM, show/hide Morse code/text, choose sidetone 400Hz-800Hz. Adjust the WPM so that you can produce well formed DITs and DAHs at a comfortable speed.
Custom made straight key with your call. Proudly made in the USA. Made of beautiful wood and polished brass.
The amateur radio group of the Computer Club Media 2000 want to present not only the beautiful hobby amateur radio but show also what a multi-faceted hobby it is, supporting in repairs of radios, developing their own circuits and the conversion of radio equipment. German group