A home made portable vertical antenna, that with a single 1/4 wave counterpoise wire is possible to achieve less than 1.5:1 SWR on 40, 30, and 20 meter bands. It is basically a center load, shortened ground plain vertical antenna.
Get involved with 70cm Earth Moon Earth communications it is easier than you think, EME promotional Flier
A Small Transmitting Loop Antenna for 14MHz and 21MHz, an antenna you might consider if you have limited space, Based on material originally published in Amateur Radio, November 1991
The Classic Numbers for All Types of Wire Antennas at HF. Wire antennas need to be made a bit long and cut to resonance. They are affected by height above the ground and surrounding objects. In order to get an idea of the right place to start, certain formulas are generally accepted.
50MHz Collapsible 2 Element Mini Beam antenna, an overview the development of the 6MBA.
A six meter band 3 element yagi beam antenna project with shortened elements using coax cables with the outer ends stripped and the center conductor shorted in somewhat of a Bazooka antenna.
The article describes Q factor, methods of measuring Q factor, inductance and capacity using a Q meter and the design of an experimental Q meter unit. The Q factor or quality factor of an inductance is commonly expressed as the ratio of its series reactance to its series resistance.
The original WEB CAM server for Amateur Radio Operators. Established 2008.
This channel is all about radio listening and dxing. I will be covering frequency bands like longwave, AM/MW and shortwave. I’m embarking on my renew interest in this hobby since my childhood.
TJ2TT log online and QSL request
Crossband Repeating is a process where a Ham transmits one signal on one band (typically UHF), and it is received by another radio with a better antenna/power installation, and re-transmitted (typically on VHF) to another radio system, or a repeater. Everyday examples of cross-band repeaters are repeater receive sites that hear the input signals on 2m and retransmit those signals on a frequency higher than 220 MHz.
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