Extension to an existing fan dipole originally modeled for 40 20 and 6 meters. This modification will add 80 15 and 10 meter bands.
There are a large number of antenna designs for HF. One choice out of many is the fan dipole. The ability to transmit of multiple bands without needing a tuner (and even more with a tuner) is a very desirable factor in choosing a versitle antenna for HF.
The fan dipole antenna as an alternative to the paralled dipole antenna, to achieve a larger bandwidth and a better tuning by decreasing elenment influences.A project based on the W6HDG original concept.
Photo construction manual of a portable antenna made with two heavy duty whips by buddipole. In this article has been implemented a 50 MHz portable dipole.
The antenna in this project is a modification of the techniques used to design a multiband fan type dipole with little or no tuning involved having a total space of 105 feet
Hand-tuned, J-Pole Antennas. The James Pole Antenna is constructed of 1/2 inch Type M copper pipe, soldered together and capped on both vertical elements. Each Antenna is tuned for center frequency.
A very simple experimental short wave radio receiver. This is basically just a crystal radio with two stages of transistor amplification afterwards made with scrap components.
A really simple project to make a power meter measuring RF output powers from a few mW up to half a watt. A DIY amateur radio project for QRP enthusiasts
Amateur Radio 40m 20m 15m Half Wave Fan dipole antenna project with part list, pictures and drawing. Includes the option to expand the antenna to cover the 80 meters band
Review of Yaesu VX-3R 2 m/70 cm FM transceiver. Receives 0.5-999Mhz AM/FMN/FMW, Transmits 144-148 and 430-450Mhz VHF/UHF FM.