Camping with Ham Radio is fun, but twice as complicated as just camping. There are two lists of things not to forget, the camping stuff and the radio stuff.
A Progressve Communications Receiver by W7ZOI and K5IRK. First published in the November 1981 QST
A 70 cm yagi antenna design by YU7EF includes tables with antenna elements dimension and spacing. This UHF Yagi antenna plan provides a maximum gain of 17.93 db
A Kenwood TL-922 Linear Amplifier restoration and modification page
DMR personal web site. Includes download links for Codeplug for Hytera AR685 PD685G, PD785G, PD785 & X1P with DMR Plus and Brandmeister support with VFO like channels. Repeater maps. In German.
CW Keyer Kit with capacitive touch paddle, with a lot of nice features. Easily expandable to a Morse code decoder
HA8DU European manufacturer of quality amateur radio antenna tuners for HF Bands, from 10 meter to 160 meters band. Products includes manual and automatic antenna tuners, power handling till 3.5 KW. HA8DU produce even custom made variable capacitors and rotary switches.
The adventures and stories of M0AUW in the UK
The XV4-10 is a linear transverter for the 4m band to be used with a 10m transceiver. Input frequency 29-30 MHz, output frequency 69.5-70.5 MHz
Decatur County Amateur Radio Club, callsign KW4DC, was formed in 2009 by a group of amateur radio operators who wanted to promote and enjoy the amateur radio hobby together.