An efficient 2 meter antenna disguised as a TV Satellite dish. This vertically polarized horizontal slot antenna, cut into the reflector of a TV dish, might be the ultimate stealth antenna.
These antennas are larger versions of the small loop antennas that were part of the cardboard back panel of older AC/DC five tube AM radios. Loop antennas of this type were popular in the very early days of radio. They are still useful today for long distance reception of AM radio stations
An FCP is not magic. It has no gain. An FCP improves an antenna system by replacing more loss with less loss. Some have been able to erect better wires in the air because the small size of the FCP allowed better placement of the antenna.
This article shows how to make a mains filter that can be extremely effective in reducing and in some cases eliminating completely EMC from the electricity supplying your shack
Three local city times around the world displayed simultaneously.
A low cost, low power microwave transverter so that you can operate easily on 70cm band even with a HF or VHF transceiver
There are several ways to reduce the length of a dipole and still use it as an effective antenna. Remember it is the electrical length that determines resonance. The physical length can be considerably less than a half wave length on your desired frequency as determined by 468/f MHz.
The Internet has changed our lives. Nowadays it is possible to remotely control your Ham Radio station via the Internet.
Calculates inductance and Q for coils made of solid or Litz wire. Accounts for skin and proximity effects, wire and form material, and leads. U.S. or metric units. Includes an optimizer and accuracy data. Runs in Windows.
A very useful video that explains how to program the TYT MD-2017 radio. From software download, firmware, codeplug and how to manually configure settings and how to program memories