A family of small size QRP SSB transceivers for the 15 MHz. Includes a cigarette pocket size QRP transceiver and a larger shirt-pocket transceiver.
An interesting article on basics about Baluns, intoducing the skin effects on radio frequency currents and its effects on receiving and trasmitting article by VE7FO
Two different ways to create autotransformer for end fed half wave wire antennas, by using ferrite or air core.
The MiniTioune receiver project, developed by Jean-Pierre F6DZP, consists of the home constructed MiniTiouner hardware which interfaces via a standard USB 2.0 port to a Windows PC running the MiniTioune software. It can be used to receive satellite broadcasts transmissions making it ideal for use on Q-oscar 100 Es hail-2 without any external frequency converters.
Building equipment for AMSAT P4A geostationary Es’hail-2 Quatar OSCAR 100 Satellite
Artwork Created in Verve by Michael A. Maynard K4ICY includes some nice amateur radio related paints
Getting started on receiving the QO-100 satellite using standard satellite LNBs and a 60cm dish