A fand dipole antenna home made for the 7,14,50 MHz. This article descbribes how to homebrew the antenna, hot to setup and some SWR measurements.
Antenna construction project and report on efficiency and SWR measurement by DL1RLB, project implemented in May 2008
Upload an ADIF fiel and plot all worked grids in an online map. Support filtering by band, year and can export the output directly into a google map, or a google earth KML file
MARS modification instructions for the Yaesu FT-450D
Custom embroidered hats, shirts and jackets to Ham Radio Operators small businesses, ARES, ARRL and RACES clubs across America.
DX University publishes an operating guide for DXPeditions with 13 hints and tips on managing pileup
A collection of audio recordings of some DX Peditions used as case studies to evaluate dxspedition operatios behaviour and calling stations. These audio files are excerpts from real pileups recorded directly off the air in MP3 format