With the view to establish a quick and easy multi-band antenna deployment for portable and camping operations a simple long wire antenna with an earth or earth plus counterpoise arrangement with a 9:1 voltage unun including a tuner or simply with a tuner is one possible solution. With the 9:1 voltage unun and wire lengths suggested in the below tables the antenna should present non extreme impedances for all HF amateur band frequencies. This page is far from complete and represents the ongoing investigation into this type of antenna. Experiments to date seem to have raised more questions than obvious answers.
PD9Z reviews the ICOM new IC-7610 with a list of surprising features he has found on this transceiver. Signal reception performances are one the mosto valuable features found on this high-end RTX by ICOM. Along to his review you can access several other resources related to the IC-7610 including manuals, tips and tricks, videos, and configuration settings to be implemented in order to be used with Heil Sound headsets.
TelTad is a Polish amateur radio dealer with an online shop. Products offered includes all major ham radio brands, Yaesu Icom Kenwood, Alpin, OM Power, VPA systems Antennas
The Adalm Pluto by Analog Devices is a Portable self-contained RF learning module, based on Analog Devices AD9363–Highly Integrated RF Agile Transceiver and Xilinx® Zynq Z-7010 FPGA. Includes one transmitter and one receiver, half or full duplex and cover 325 MHz to 3.8 GHz
DX-HOLIDAY is a DX holiday and DXpedition holiday-style dedicated website which provides excellent information on a range of pertinent topics such as: organize a DX-holiday in remote area, organize DXpedition holiday-style with your family, booking and negotiating with hotels, obtaining a foreign amateur radio license, rent a radio shack and antennas during your holiday, travel documentation & money matters, health, emergency, and weather issues