Solution for stations located at secondo floor or higher. Lead lengths to the grounding system are much too long to provide a low-impedance RF ground.
This Field Day Vertical Antenna project is the result of many years of attending various field day sites and realizing that what was needed is a simple, easy to assemble vertical antenna. The design of this Field Day Antenna is not very novel and leverages ideas from Butternut verticals and ARRL publications. The one essential requirement was that the antenna can be raised by just one person. The design of this Field Day Antenna is an above ground mounted ground plane vertical.
A classic document originally presented in Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1937 and is, still today, the standard referenced by the FCC, text books and many amateur radio publications.
Download the official IC-705 RF direct sampling VHF, UHF, HF, D-Star all mode 10W QRP portable transceiver. Pre-release information in a PDF file all in English.
An unusual Titan DX antenna seutp, done without the standard counterpoise. This document is not an official manual, but rather a personal note to record the antenna setup with the custom wire counterpoise.
The Ultimate Control Software for the IC-7300, IC-7610, IC-7600, IC-7850, IC-7851 and Others is a control software suite that includes additional interesting features such as support for the built in Spectrum Scope, Audio monitors, Shortwave DB, CW Terminal, Clublog Spotting, Memory management, interface to Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook, DM780, n1mm+, log4om, DXLab and other. Runs on Windows OS, commercial licence.
A review of the GAP Challenger DX Antenna that is not a traditional 1/4 wave vertical, but is a vertical dipole, this gives it several advantages over a standard 1/4 wave vertical, mainly the reduced number of radials, with excellent performances.
Win4Yaesu Suite is a commercial software for Yaesu FTDX and FT991 Radios. It includes support for SDRPlay and LPPAN panadapters. It interfaces to all third party hardware and software programs including HRDLogbook, DM780, DXLabsSuite, NAP3, N1MM+ and many more.
This EXCEL Program Worksheet calculates the common-mode impedance of a 1:1 Guanella (current) balun which is placed at the feed point of a balanced antenna system fed via coax.
This online calculator will give as output the Inductance L of a coil, including the total lenght of the wire needed to wound the coil. As input, requires the Diameter, number of turns, wire diameter and turn spacing