Antuino is an accurate instrument that can be used in the field to measure SWR, field strength, modulation, etc. In the lab, it can be used to sweep filters, measure gain, distortion, frequency response, etc. It works upto 150 Mhz. On the third harmonic, it is usable on 435 Mhz band as well (with reduced sensitivity).
Details on projects by WA3TFS published in QST magazine over the past few years. Includes an online shop with several ham radio kits, circuit boards, simple SDR transceivers
The mini Radio Solutions miniVNA PRO is the only affordable vector network analyser (VNA) I know of that offers remote wireless operation. This is very interesting because it allows to measure the input impedance of HF antennas installed at height without having to deal with coax cable lengths, baluns nor common mode suppression chokes. However, to render the miniVNA PRO truly field proof, it requires a number of significant modifications.
An interesting page about Quad antennas. Modelling QUAD antennas, comparing quad antennas to yagi antennas. Information on QUAD Antenna tuning and home brewing with help on calculating dimensions and tuning.
Daki Funkversand is a German based web shop for Amateur- & CB-Radio equipment. Our shop includes products such as radios, antennas, equipment, PMR, LPD & Freenet.
Bergendorffs Radiomuseum Radio Collection, images and technical data on various devices that are in the collections.
TE Systems 0510G 50 MHz meter amplifier set up for 10 watts in and 170 watts out.
This page details the restoration of an early production Collins 75A-4 Amateur Band Receiver that had previously been vandalized.
Cubical Quad Antenna On-line Calculator helps on defining the size of each element and spreader. Simply give the resonating frequency and it will calculate size of each element.
ICChip, as an electronics-guide website, provides you with the industry professional electronic components data sheets, parameters, packaging and brand manufacturer information, as well as product-risk assessment and control, other environmental conflict mineral procurement and reporting solutions. Hope these semiconductors and electronic components data in each document can solve your problems and meet your requirements.