As FT8, JT65 and JT9 are a time synchronized protocol, one soon discovers that an accurate PC clock is very important. If your workstation time is off it can cause you to send when no one is listening, or to listen when no one is sending.
Active antennas can be very useful, in particular they can help reduce local electrical noise by allowing the antenna to be installed in a corner of the garden well away from house wiring. The original PA0RDT antenna uses a very small patch for the antenna and relies on the antenna being installed quite high.
Windows PC control program for the Icom IC-7300 transceiver. Power-on and Power-off by software BktNetInterface for JTDX and WSJT-X, audio recording, memory management, cw keyer management, Interface for other software
Grid Calculator allows you to calculate either a grid square locator or the latitude and longitude of a location. Grid Calculator can be used to calculate a Great Circle bearing and distance between two stations in statute miles, nautical miles, and kilometers.
How to setup and configure the buddipole antenna in the J-Pole mode for the six meter band
Meinberg NTP software to sync your computer clock. NTP client package with IPv4 IPv6 support for Windows XP and newer.
Master Callsign Database Editor allows to create and modify Super Check Partial database files used by many contesting programs in DTA and SCP formats. The files produced by Master Editor in DTA format can be used with CT, WriteLog, TRlog, SD, and others. The SCP versions of the produced files are for use with Win-Test, N1MM+, and others. Master Editor allows to create a callsign database from a separate log or from a set of logs in the Batch Import mode.