Review of the Xiegu G90 20W HF portable transceiver capable to run CW SSB AMD modes, based on an Software Defined Radio
Study of the Coaxial Dipole: Just how does this thing work.
A portable setup of the ICOM IC-705 with portable VHF UHF and and HF Alex Loop antenna, managed with a portable Raspberry PI 3 setup.
A four square array receiving antena for the top band, performance is extremely directional and space requirements are really hard to fulfill.
Construct a compact, 20 meter rotatable dipole antenna of durable weather worthy components supported at a single point obviating the need for multiple supports and multiple support ropes crossing the yard.
Using Chokes and Traps: how to make them, how they work.
Understanding amateur radio communications resource, knowing when and how to use Ham Radio, integrating Ham Radio into the Emergency Management Community
An analysis and performance improvement of the HyGain TH3JR on the 20 meters band.
Hy-Gain TH3jr Tri-band HF 3 Element Beam Covers 10, 15 and 20 Meters assembly instruction manual
A ham radio home made preamplifier for 50 MHz and 70 MHz bands