Building a Windom HF Antenna. A PDF file presentation about homebrewing a windom antenna for the HF bands with formulas for 40 and 80 meters bands and step by step guide on making a 4:1 balun to feed the antenna.
A collection of ham radio clip art royalty free. Additional amateur radio clip art can be found changing the search terms.
Online HF Communication prediction system provided by the Australian Governament Buerau of Metereology allow to predict usable frequency rage for radiocommunications between two stations allowing to specify frequency and date range. This tool allow calculation with different methods and algorithms
The yearly, black, up to 1750, and monthly red, from 1750 up to now, sunspot numbers provided by the Royal Observatory of Belgium SILSO
This page displays the current ionogram and tries to determine the nearest digisonde report to your location. Data coming from this sondes are used to determine the MUF for oblique propagation on HF spectrum
This paper presents the method of calculating the maximum usable frequency (MUF) and field strength of radio waves reflecting 2 times at the F2 ionosphere layer under inhomogeneous conditions of the ionosphere. The comparison between predicted and measured MUF has shown that the proposed method significantly increases the accuracy of calculation MUF.
This article provides details on building a 6 Meter J-Pole antenna using PVC pipe for an enclosure.