Six meters is a great band for home built Yagis. The elements are reasonably small, but not so small that building tolerances are critical. With careful construction and detailed instructions, it is certainly feasible to build no-tune Yagis up to 432 MHz.
This website provide online calculator for several values about a large variety of toroids. Freq/L/C/Z/Turns Calculator, Impedance Matching Network Calculator
Calculates the network to match a line to a specific complex load. This online tool calculates the matching network necessary to terminate a line of the specified characteristic impedence Zo in a specific complex load impedence RL + jXL at a specified frequency.
IAT is an excel sheet table evaluate parameters of VHF UHF antennas edited by Vladimir UR5EAZ. The difference between this tool and the existing VE7BQH Antenna Table is the use of G / T and C / N instead of the G / Ta parameter. In this table, Vladimir applies the ITU recommendations to assess the noise properties of a radio receiving system and shows the advantage of the G / T concept over the G / Ta concept when choosing an antenna.
Utility-Driven Tradeoff Analysis, if you want to geto on the microwave bands , you will have to choose the proper antenna for your operating conditions. How to decide is not always easy, and you may also decide to build your own antenna.
Homemade custom CAT interface cable for the Yaesu FT-817 this article include schematics diagram for the interface and some pictures
1-watt 17-meter cw transmitter that was originally done about 10 years ago as a club project for RAMS, the Radio Amateur Megacycle Society. It uses a VXO, rather novel at the time. It also uses a bandpass filter at the output rather than the usual lowpass