This will document a custom version of the K4EAA Dummy load done using 20 1K ohm 3 Watt Resistors, Piece of brass sheet, a quart paint can and a BNC connector
Picture collection of the beverage antennas installed with cross-fire feed at CN2R
Here is a formula and calculator for creating a loaded (shortened) quarter wave vertical or balanced dipole. The calculation refers to either a loaded 1/4 wave or a loaded dipole
This page details my building of a 100 Watt Power Amplifier for the 432 MHz Band based on two Motorola MRF646 transistors taking inspiration by Carlo Gnaccarini VK3PY, formerly VK3BRZ
Online receiver powered by Kiwi SDR based in Bedford, UK
This project is a Software Defined Radio Receiver. It has a frequency range of 24MHz 1.2GHz. It can demodulate AM, FM, USB, LSB with selectable bandwidths of 600, 2400, 2800, 3200 and 6400Hz. Using a simple RTL-SDR Dongle and Raspberry Pi 3 computer using GNU RADIO
This six element LFA Yagi for six meters has a 1.5 inch square boom with a 1.5 inch secondary boom beneath the first. This ensures the 7.3 metre long boom will not sag and will not require any guying. This antenna has 12.3 dBi Gain and just over 23dB F/B.