This article is about a simple vertical end-fed-half-wave wire antenna for 10 meters that can be used in case of restricted space.
A project for a 5-over-5 stack on 10 meters
There are many feed systems used in yagis over the years. Gamma matches are not as common as they once were. More typical are beta matches and T matches to convert the low impedance of a yagi to 50 ohm.
Building A Full-Wave Quad Loop Antenna for 6 Meters. This is an easy antenna to build and the materials cost about $15-20. It exhibits 1.8dB gain over a 1/2-wave dipole. Using an open-wire parallel feedline (commonly called ladder line) with an antenna tuner, it tunes up on the 10m band as a 5/8-wave loop as well
Article appeared on 73 amateur radio today in 1999 on how to unlock the secrets of sending precise Morse Code. Article contains hints on how use the stright key and the sideswiper key, but even the electronic keyers or the semiautomatic keys.
This 10 meter antenna is right out of the ARRL Antenna Book. There are 5 elements on a 24 feet boom and it performs well from 28.0 to 28.9 MHz.
It is very worthwhile to understand how Beverages of all types work. Without that understanding it can be quite difficult to interpret what you hear and what you measure.