Article from 73 Amateur Radio Today about experimenting on ferrite loops transmitting loop antennas for 80 and 160 meters bands.
A project about reversible unidirectional Beverage antennas plus a remote switching system conveniently controlled by the operator
This is a very small vertical 160m antenna that fits in the loft of even my small house. It was built as a way of getting a signal out on 160m for local AM contacts, but the local noise level was far too high to allow it to be used at night for this purpose. However, on WSPR it did a pretty good job with WSPR spots from a very long way across Europe being received when running 2.5W out.
Aircraft scatter is easily seen on the spectrogram window of digital communication apps, when you know what to look for. Examples of real aircraft scatter usage on six meters band
The Raspberry PI 3+4 has proven itself as an amateur radio computer. Both at home as the main computer in the shack but also on the road. It is small, inexpensive and incredibly versatile. The operating system and the most important programs are available for free.
If you want to have a closer look at the weather, you can download software and visually display data.
A two element beam antenna for ten meters band. This home-brew two-element beam is the perfect introduction to rolling your own gain antenna