A Combination CW Keyboard and Paddle Keyer. It uses a single Atmel microprocessor, the ATmega328P from the AVR family, and a 4 row by 20 column LCD display module.
An end fed antenna winder design that also contains the necessary matching toroid. This would be just the thing to throw in your backpack for portable operation.
This antenna build was strongly inspired by the well known PAR end fed antenna. The matcher box uses a T82-43 Fair-Rite core.
Three cell Lipo batteries for the FT-817 work really well, although not really sure about taking them on aircraft. The Lipos intended for use on RC Electric airplanes generally have a very low internal resistance and no internal protection against short circuit.
Helix antenna 432/435 MHz 14 turns. This 50 ohm impedance antenna allows, when fed with 25/50W of SSB RF, to join the orbiting satellites like AO-40 and AO-10 very easily
Adding a custom GPS receiver to the Yaesu VX-8DR
Kenwood TS590 memory management software for windows