A distributed capacity coaxial dipole antenna. The antenna is very broadbanded with a very flat swr on all band when setup of the antenna is done at the proper lenght and height.
A home made cobweb antenna project made with easy to find parts 2-14 AWG speaker cables which are cut to 1/2 wavelength for each band and junction box with 4:1 Balun
A dipole can be broadbanded by a number of techniques including by matching with resonant sections of transmission feed lines.
Show CQ and ITU Zone in an interactive clickable map based on google maps. Additional locator tool tip can be displayed by clicking on points, and a search function it is also available to locate addresses, and locators.
Two easy to build microcontroller projects for machine recognition of hand-sent morse code
A comprehensive morse code auduio guide with several youtube movies classified by skill level, characters and numbers, sentences, speed level and more. All movies are linked by an interactive interface that let you select the speed and the excercise type. The page contains an downloadable set of morse code exercises and several other resources