An experimento of a 40 meter delta loop antenna both in horizontal and vertical polarization and several elevation angles with interesting notes about the effect of the radial field under the antenna.
Installation and modification of the popular Butternut HF9V antenna with the optional 160 meter addon. Article includes a modification to improve the performance on the top band
Optimizing the cable connections for cat control and audio input output by implementing the digirig mobile. A small audio and rig control interface, with a single USB cable supports most QRP radios requiring external audio and CAT control facilities
Building an automatic 8ch USB Relay switch using an existing Ameritron RCS-8V Remote Control Coax Switch and an externally mounted 5-way switch.
Where to buy solar panels for portable operations. PowerFilm panels and Genasun charge controllers in North America or in Europe
Useful memory and settings manager to backup and restore all the 177 menu setting of the FT-5000