This page is a detailed description of a 6CL6 and 807 valve transmitter. The page includes the complete circuit diagram to build this transmitter and several pictures
This antenna looks like an inverted L antenna, yet it is not, it could also be viewed as a 160m off-center fed dipole antenna, it looks more like an end-fed 1/4 wave 160 meter antenna.
SmallDV is an embedded FreeDV for Raspberry Pi from Matt KK5JY
HFN (Hands Free Nanokeyer) is a 3D Printer made morse keyer. In this project the athor shares the STL printer model files for the 3 versions build.
The SW-3B is a Three-band CW QRP transceiver, Weight 180g, output power 5W at 12v, 2W at 9v, works on 40 30 and 20 meters band
FreeDV uses an audio codec as a software based modem to decode and encode the voice and text data from your computer. The data is encoded and then is transmitted over the HF radio using AF signals that can then in turn be decoded by the receiving station.
Ionospheric Propagation of Radio Waves in Action, How Do Ionized Layers Form to Enable Ionospheric Propagation of Radio Waves, the foundamental role of F layer, and the role of the other ionized layers
The Union of non-governmental organizations “The Ukrainian Amateur Radio League” (UNGO “UARL”) was founded in December of 2015. Currently, there are about 1500 members in the League, representing most regions and cities of Ukraine.
This article help on explaining what you need to start with amateur radio. By using a local ham radio club station to purchasing second hand radio equipment and how to get help on installing antennas.
This is a CW 1W transceiver with only three transistor. The author has been able to make QSO by this little transceiver with Saga, Asahikawa (domestic far distance city),and Indonesia and Taiwan.