A table that summarize all known amateur radio emission modes, with reference to software and platform available for digital modes
Online Log for TX5N DX Pedition to Austral Islands 2022
A light portable 2 element Delta beam antenna for 14 MHz. It is basically a two element delta loop wire antenna made for portable usage providing good directivity and a 4.2 dBd gain
A review of the most popular and traditional methods to learn morse conde and a different method that foreseen to learn 100 most common words in CW
KiwiSDR Software-defined receiver at Bjargtangar Iceland covering HF Bands
Forecasts for Europe and mediterranean sea
This project uses an inexpensive Teensy microcontroller as the core of a flexible interface that provides a high-fidelity sound card and VOX functions for controlling the radio.The interface firmware supports variable VOX delay, CW and RTTY keying via audio (such as is available from Fldigi), and RTS and DTR control of any keying function, all via a single USB connection to the PC.