A syntethic review of the Kenwood TS 990S. The author was previosly a FTdx101d owner and he opted for the Kenwood transceiver.
Amateur radio antenna manufacturer, HF VHF UHF antennas, and amateur radio accessories dealer based in Lingen Germany
Build a Ham Radio Voice Keyer for the Backpack
A SOTA Lightweight Portable 2m 70cm Dipole Antenna Lightweight portable QRP 2m and 70cm half wave dipole for SOTA or an emergency antenna for the 2m and 70cm Go-box.
Testing a 27.2 metre end fed long wire antenna,used for SOTA activations placed as an inverted V. The author reports in this article an on the field practical result.
How to install WSJT-X ona a raspberry Pi and start operating with FT8