Elements are aluminum TIG soldering rods 4.0mm of diameter, almost 1m long, these objects are light, thin and flexible based on the RZ9CJ Design
This antenna works on 17, 20, and 30 meters, with the best bandwidth on 20 meters. The bandwidth on 17 and 30 is quite small but usable. There is a 20 KHz bandwidth on 20 meters.
Fractional Wave Loops antennas are a sort of magnetic loop antennas that differs in several aspects from the standard ones. Author is now SK however in his page he posted several examples and interesting links
DXPSK and SMARTPSK are freeware Windows PSK31 software tools capable to send and recive even multiple tracks of PSK31 signals. SMARTPSK is the improved version of DXPSK capable to display up to 25 tracks.
DXSPOTS is a Telnet connection program. It allows radio amateurs with a lot of DX traffic to know instantly the status of the bands and to know which DX are currently on the air. Following the Packet-Clusters where data was transmitted on VHF/UHF via dedicated relays and sometimes on HF at a very low speed (300Bds on HF), the Internet has taken over and is now transmitting DX information via the computers in most shacks. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Replacing two ceramin filters of a Yaesu FT-857 by desoldering and soldering new ones.
SW Keyer for remote operations. This is a simple tool based on the Morse Code Iambic and Semi-Automatic Keyer from the Morse-Code-Tools projects. You can use your key, bug or Iambic Paddle stright connected to your personal computer without a hardware morse keyer.