This is a FULL SIZE quarter-wavelength vertical made on a 18m Spiderbeam fiberglass telescoping Spiderpole
To use the RF Exposure Calculator, fill-in the form with your operating power, antenna gain, and the operating frequency. Depending on how far above ground the RF source is located, you might want to consider ground reflections too.
Amateur radio courses teach that in amplitude modulation, sidebands arise. This can be proven mathematically, and nowadays with an SDR one can easily see them.
Collection of modifications for the Retevis RT3, a monoband handheld transceiver for DMR (digital voice) and analog FM. It is almost identical to the Tytera MD-380.
Automated voice announcements project built to have an automated way to deliver club announcements via the repeater network.
Online browser-based resource for your computer, tablet or other mobile device. Use this review and practice exam resource with the current editions of ARRL License Manuals.