This antenna is an off-center fed spiral dipole for 40 meters. The spiral dipole is very compact, making it well-suited for limited space (like an apartment patio), while the off-center feed gives the antenna some multiband capability.
For my SOTA activities, i recently bought a QRP transceiver QRP SW-3B, which is a three-band QRP CW only for 40/30/20 m. So, i needed an antenna that would allow to use these 3 bands in SOTA portable activity. Already having some experience with the EFHW antenna, i decided to build one for 40/30/20m.
A 4 element Yagi Antenna for six meters band
A mircovert antenna assembled for the 40m version of the DL7PE antenna. A one meter long aluminum tube with 24mm diameter is used for the base (element 1) and a 50cm aluminum tube with 20mm diameter for element 2 (the extention). A pvc pipe, 34cm long and with a diameter of 38mm, is used to wind the coil on (1mm enamelled copper wire).
Homemade 4 meter transverter project
A home made project for a 7 element yagi antenna for the two meters band based on the DK7ZB original desing.
This morse key and buzzer design only requires parts that one may already have or are easy to find on the web. There is nothing critical except that the contacts must meet when the key is depressed.
A web page dedicated to amaterur radio scouting. Scouting and Ham Radio — From Yesterday, Toward Tomorrow. Radio Merit Badge, Morse Code Interpreter Strip, Jamboree on the air