The antenna is built on a cross-shaped frame with spar width (and height) of 48 inches, providing a height of 52 inches and a width of 49 inches. This antenna costs only about $45 to construct and can be built in just a few hours using simple hand tools. The best part is that the performance on 160M and 80M is excellent
The latest version of the K1FM-Loop is electrically similar to the previous one, but it is designed around off-the-shelf parts or, more generically, items you can readily order online. This antenna relies heavily on 3D printing.
VARA HF is a soundcard modem that can be found on the HF bands exchanging traffic (Winlink). VARA implements an High Speed Data Mode and comes in 2 separate programs VARA FM and VARA HF. VARA is a High Performance HF modem based on OFDM modulation. VARA Modem, brings state of the art Military grade technology to new and existing HF data. Introduces a new standard of technology available for Amateur and Commercial use. Designed for operation within a SSB Bandwidth of 2400 Hz.
A rotary dipole antenna for 30 meters band. Each arm is about 12.5 ft and is constructed from telescoping fibreglass flag/fishing poles and short lengths of aluminium tubing. Two short lengths of glass-fibre rod were used to insulate the arms from the supporting hardware.
Here is a rather nice audio filter for use with Ham Radio gear. It features switchable operation as a -32 dB per octave low pass or notch filter having a 200Hz-2500Hz tunable cutoff frequency, buffered input and output, switch selectable filter bypass function, and good stability. T
A free PDF from NASA about cubesat. Basic Concepts and Processes for First-Time CubeSat Developers. A great introduction document dedicated to Cubseat developers.
This website provides kits, parts, and resources for building and launching CubeSats for amateur radio use.
Radio Scouting at the Scout Association England UK. What to expect and What you will learn, Fun facts, Handy hints
RSGB page dedicated to CubeSats and FunCube satellites used by radioamateurs