Vertical end fed antenna used for portable operations. The antenna will work on 80 with acceptable results, it will work fine on 40m, and it will be a good deal better than a normal 1/4 wave GP on 20, 17, 15 meters.
This page details (in brief) the component changes to modify a Cybernet series 27MHz CB transceiver to 50MHz.
Without any doubt at all, the best radio I have owned is the ICOM IC-7610. But the grass is always greener and so even though I loved my IC-7610, I thought there might be something better out there. I purchased a YAESU FT-DX101D and really disliked it.
Homebrew 6 meters antenna for SOTA and Parks activations.
Tips and tricks on programming the Yaesu FT-991A, from software installation and connecting to the PC via the USB Port, to properly programming memories.
Travelling with ham radio devices, Operating under CEPT, operating in the US, CEPT Operating Rules, Permanent Overseas Licence
A list of beacons copied on six meters band by DL8WX