There are quite a few recipes for building a suitable transformer for an end fed half wave antenna (EFHW), but I was never sure I really understood the main principles. So, I wound a bunch of transformers, made measurements on them using my NanoVNA, learned how to get what I really wanted out of the VNA measurements, and in the process discovered how to build better transformers and be able to predict what they will do
Antenna patterns are all about interference. Presentation on wire antennas for HF bands. Dipoles, horizontal and vertical dipoles, effects of ground on radiation patterns, multi-band wires antennas. Knowing what you should expect from the radiation patterns for waves on your wires will help you choose what will work best for your needs. The principles of interference can lend insight into what to expect from a wire antenna.
Yaesu FTDX101D HF and 6-Meter Transceiver ARRL QST review
Quarter wave Ground Plane antenna for the 23 cm band, 1296 MHz.
Repair of a Yaesu FT-1000 MP Mark V probably struck by lightning.
Cloverleaf antenna is a circular polarized antenna which is way better than the cheap dipole antenna that comes with video transmitters and receivers. The Cloverleaf is a closed loop antenna which the signal and ground wires are connected. The cloverleaf antenna has 3 loops at 120 degree apart, and they are titled at 45 degree to horizontal plane.
A voice keyer for Morse Code written for Arduino