Building the Three-Element Hex Beam. A project and construction phase of an HF hex-Beam antenna using trees to hang the antenna and a Channel Master antenna rotator.
On the field comparison among C-Pole antenna, an EFHW vertical antenna and an Inverter V dipole antenna. Test is done using two identical WSPRLite beacons that transmit with 200mW on the WSPR frequency and analyzing spotted results.
Homebrew a 9:1 transformer and measurement for testing purposes with a miniVNA
Homebrew a custom lithium battery pack with 5s3p batteries
Dx-peditions365 let you follow the main DX-peditions on a dedicated calendar page that shows the schedule of all monthly expeditions, running dxpeditions and even shows the dxpeditions reported on their users logs or cluster spots. App available on apple iOS and Android.
23cm Transverter and Bi-Quad antenna mounted on a customized Tripod
Arduino/ATtiny Based (Ham Radio) ICOM CIV to Yaesu BCD Band Decoder. Build a ICOM CIV to Yaesu BCD Band to automatically band switch the Yaesu Quadra Amplifier.