F5NPV introduces a variant of the W8JK antenna design, employing the MOXON principle. With extended monopoles, it outperforms the Open-Folded W8JK, yielding a 1dbd gain improvement, enhanced performance on 30m and 10m bands, bi-directionality, and lower side attenuation. The design’s focus on higher radiation impedance results in increased antenna efficiency and reduced losses. Despite these improvements, the bill of materials remains unchanged.
A medium power End Fed Half Wave Antenna coupler, specifically tuned to the QRP frequency of 7030 kHz. Constructed from coil stock and capacitors, it achieves an impedance ratio of 64:1. The coupler has proven effective for power ranges from 2 to 100 Watts on the 40m band.
The 8m ISM band, a unique frequency range between 10m and 6m, holds potential for amateur radio enthusiasts, yet it remains largely unallocated. This spectrum offers fertile ground for research and self-training. The author’s experience with low-power transmissions and WSPR testing highlights the band’s capabilities and the need for a narrow, speech-free amateur allocation to encourage experimentation. Discover the world of 8m ISM radio exploration and its future possibilities.
In this article, authors delve into the inner workings of the IARU R1 VHF contest, the world’s largest 2m contest. While activity levels are declining, the top performers consistently maintain their results. Authors explore the physical constraints of achieving higher point totals and speculate on various factors like improved technical capabilities, increased interference, and evolving station setups. It is a fascinating journey into the contest’s dynamics, leaving room for intriguing speculations about its future.
DIY project of a QRP Balun. Using a high permeability ferrite rod and an old B&W dipole center insulator, he constructs a choke type balun for QRP use. The balun aims to create as much inductance as possible at HF, offering a high impedance to common mode currents
Discover the success story of creating a 4-meter Delta Loop antenna, ideal for improving radio communication. This horizontally polarized antenna offers efficient performance when mounted at VHF heights, catering to both HF and VHF characteristics. A simple, DIY project suitable for portable setups, providing versatile options for radio enthusiasts.
TK120 is an experimental memory management software for Yaesu VR-120 transceiver