VE2DX Electronics

NewsCompaniesVE2DX Electronics

You will find a lot of info on our products like the CT-17B ICOM CI-V hubs, IABs ICOM ACC1 Breakout boxes, and others. You will also be able to follow our projects and developments such as the GS232Dunio GS232A/B arduino based rotor controler, IMK memory keypad family of products for 7300, 756, 746, etc with the IM3 and IMK3B (Two radio version) and our IMK2 8 memory keypad for the higher ICOM radios like 7610 and 7800 via the Keypad connector in the back of the radio, The IAC ICOM to ATAS100/120 automatique controler, and many others.

Finaly don’t miss our DXPedition section with info and images from our past DXPeditions.

Hope to see you there!

Richard G. Desaulniers Sr., VE2DX

President and lead developper.

VE2DX Electronics

Founded by Richard G. Desaulniers Sr., Call sign VE2DX in january 2020, VE2DX Electronics was founded to create innovative Electronic products for the Ham Radio market. We are located in Canada at:

VE2DX Electronics
Care of Richard G. Desaulniers Sr., VE2DX
461 Romeo Street, 
Ste-Dorothee, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7X 1R2

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