During the 2016 we reviewed and added in our links-directory 768 new links.
Here you are a selection of the best links added during the 2016
We hope you enjoyed to stay with us during this year, and we wish to review and add even more and more new amateur radio related resources in coming new year.
The W8JK is a famous and effective DX antenna, first built by John Kraus, W8JK, in 1937. A Beam antenna with two parallel dipoles driven with opposite phase, with a close spacing of an eighth of a wavelength.
Concentric Open Loop Antenna Fed Off-Centre similar to the cobwebb antenna but resonating on 20-17-15-10 meters band
Free CW morse code decoder software for Windows versions : Vista sp2, 7, 8, 10. Decode CW signals with auto tracking features, auto detection of speed
A 40 meter band two elements yagi beam with a 6mt boom with pictures and drawings
Portable Vertical Antenna for 75m and 40m featuring Low radiation angle for DX, easy to install and to match 50 ohms
Article on the HF dual band antenna with construction details and how to add 160 meters to the HF2V
A 100-watt Compact Z-Match Antenna Tuner that can match just about anything on all HF bands, and only uses two control
A multiband antenna that can work from 80 to 10 meters in this illustrated docuemnt by G8ODE
This note looks at the antenna and antenna model for the 40 meter Moxon Yagi designed by Dave Leeson, W6NL. The performance of the antenna, through the model, will be explored in several typical settings.
46ft multi-band antenna for small gardens. Works well on 80m. An excellent DX performer and is an ideal replacement for your half size G5RV
QSL card printing tool for windows, can print complete back side of the QSL card and also labels
DX cluster monitoring tool. Filter DX spots from packet radio cluster. Download windows freeware
This two-axis tracker tracks satellites with high accuracy entirely by reference to built-in spatial sensors in conjunction with a 9-DOF (degrees of freedom) sensor attached to the antenna boom and a GPS receiver.
Moxons work great, and they take up less space than full size two element Yagis
A switchable Magnetic Transformer for Transmitting for various impedances
Build your own home made Antenna Analyzer with an arduino micro, or a cheeper one with a pic processor
A folded wire antenna for 160 meters as appeared on 73 amateur radio magazine june 1997
A sourge arrestor for PL 259 connectors. A voltage surge arrestor to limit the voltage that may come back down the wire or coax after there has been static build up
A free to download and print, paper log sheet useful for portable amateur radio operations, in a PDF file.
A simple RF power amplifier initially designed for 40 meter band can work on 10 15 20 40 80 meters
An homemade portable vertical antenna with a trap near the mid point of the main element. The trap is made with 42mm diameter PVC pipe with 9 turns of wire on it
A homemade Magnetic Loop antenna from a spare 3m length of RG213 working from 30m to 15m with a 130pF tuning capacitor
A proven and practical approach to dealing with RFI from grow lights and more.
The antenna is an inexpensive, multiband, end fed HF antenna. It has a matching network consisting of a toroid core and an antenna lead of 30
A lightweight inverted vee antenna that can be supported by a 10 metre long fiberglass squid pole. The antenna is designed to cover 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 m bands.
The BP-3 was a valve-based spy radio transceiver, developed during WWII by Tadeusz Heftman of the Polish Military Wireless Unit in Stanmore (UK). It was introduced in 1943 and was intended for use by Agents and Resistance Organisations in Europe. The transmitter produces an output power of 50 Watts in CW
Here is an old ham radio operators trick for cleaning wires for soldering that are old and corroded. It is hard to find this technique printed anywhere!
Construction details of a multiband dipole that can can operate at high power levels, and match its 50-ohm coax feedline without a tuner
The Folded Dipole is not used much amongst Radio amateurs, probably due to the fact that this antenna uses twice as much wire as a single-wire dipole.
Adding topband to a full sized elevated 80m vertical and putting N6LF QEX data to the test
40 meter vertical antenna construction, a shortened easy-to-build vertical, with no-radials, made from surplus military camouflage poles
An introduction to antennad including a DIY assembly instruction for a A Ground Plane Antenna for NOAA Weather Stations
Inspired by Milan OK7GU, the goal is to build an universal antenna controller - for different types of rotor, different motor, encoder
Benefits in implementing a remote antenna switching system and a sample remote antenna switch project
This article is designed to be an introduction to the terms and basic mechanics of propagation methods that are to be found on the HF and VHF bands.
Small and inexpensive homebrew HF radio 5W Output, CW SSB AM FM, DSP, Speech Processor, Sprectrum Scope, Watefall Display. mcHF is a small, home-brewed amateur radio project. Firmware is released as open source.
Baluns are usually used by Hams to feed dipole antennas with 50 ohm coax and to transpose from ladder line feeding a multi-band antenna to the unbalanced input of an antenna tuner.
Here we have a ground plane antenna mostly used for 144, 222, 440 Mhz. Its one of the simplest antennas to make. New hams can build this with little to no experience in antenna building.
Ham Radio 20 / 40 meter short Coax Trap dipole antenna designed with the coax trap design calculator program
An home made QRM Eliminator project based on the WA1ION original design, used to remove QRN generated locally by an halogen lamp in Dutch
ICOM IC-7300 MARS CAP Extended TX modification based on PA2DB instructions with a video and instructions.
A shortened 160 meters band antenna for hams who do not have 260 ft of space, based on a open-wire-fed short dipoole
A project for a multiband HF windom antenna by VE2CV and VE3KLO