Beginner's Guides

Ham Radio Frequencies

Amateur radio enthusiasts utilize specific frequency bands allocated globally for communication. From Low Frequency (LF) to Very-High Frequencies (VHF), each band has distinct characteristics and propagation conditions. Frequency allocations vary by country and ITU region. Understanding band usage and regulations is crucial for effective communication among ham radio operators worldwide.

Operating Digital Modes

How To Sync Your Computer Clock

How to accurately sync your PC clock using software programs that connect NTP servers or GPS system


sat05oct(oct 5)6:00 amsun06(oct 6)5:59 amOceania DX Contest SSB6:00 am - 5:59 am (6) UTC HF Bands Event Organized By: Oceania DX Contest Type:HF ContestModes:SSB

sat05oct(oct 5)6:00 amsun06(oct 6)6:00 pmTRC DX CONTEST6:00 am - 6:00 pm (6) HF Bands Event Organized By: Thracian Rose Club Type:Contest,HF ContestModes:CW,SSB

sat12oct(oct 12)6:00 amsun13(oct 13)5:59 amOceania DX Contest CW6:00 am - 5:59 am (13) UTC HF Bands Event Organized By: Oceania DX Contest Type:HF ContestModes:CW

sat12oct(oct 12)12:00 pmsun13(oct 13)11:59 amScandinavian Activity Contest, SSB12:00 pm - 11:59 am (13) HF Bands Event Organized By: Scandinavian Activity Contest Type:HF ContestModes:SSB

sat19oct(oct 19)12:00 amsun20(oct 20)11:59 pmJARTS WW RTTY CONTESTSupported by Japanese "CQ ham radio" Magazine12:00 am - 11:59 pm (20) UTC HF Bands Event Organized By: JARTS Type:HF ContestModes:RTTY

sat19octAll Daysun20Jamboree On The AirJOTA WorldWide Scout Event(All Day) ALL BANDS Event Organized By: JOTA JOTI Type:Special EventModes:CW,SSB

sat26oct(oct 26)12:00 amsun27(oct 27)11:59 pmCQ World Wide DX Contest SSB12:00 am - 11:59 pm (27) HF Bands Event Organized By: CQ Magazine Type:HF ContestModes:SSB Event TagsCQ,cw,WPX

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Featured Ham Radio Products

ICOM IC-7200

The ICOM IC7200 is a robust amateur radio trasceiver for HF plus six meters band

Yaesu FT-991

The FT-991 is the next generation in all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with C4FM

Diamond V2000a Antenna

Triband Base Antenna for 6m 2m 70cm bands.

ICOM IC-7300 Brochure

ICOM IC-7300 The Innovative HF Transceiver with High Performance Real-Time Spectrum Scope - English Brochure

Yaesu FT-891

Yaesu presents the Yaesu FT-891, HF/50MHz 100 W all mode transceiver, a new exciting Yaesu field gear

Icom IC-2730

IC-2730 VHF/UHF Dual band mobile transceiver, featuring two simultaneous receivers and cross band repeater.

AA-30 Analyzer by RigExpert a powerful antenna analyzer

RigExpert AA-30 is a powerful antenna analyzer designed for testing, checking, tuning or repairing antennas and antenna feedlines.
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Latest Reviews

HBR-MK2 HF QRP CW/SSB Transceiver

The HBR-MK2 QRP transceiver is an impressive homemade transceiver designed by Alex R2AUK to operate across 8 HF bands, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17,...


The Truth about the G5RV Antenna

The G5RV Antenna and two other improved alternatives to this basic design, the well known ZS6BKW antenna and the W0BTU variant

Morse Code

The Art of Telegraphy: Learning Morse Code with a Practice Oscillator

The importance of having a Morse practice oscillator for those who want to learn Morse code. Options for buying or building one.

Amateur Radio News Feeds

[ARRL] - Monday October 14 2024
Thanks to Carl, K9LA for contributing to this week's bulletin. "SUBJ: ASWFC GEOMAGNETIC DISTURBANCE WARNING ISSUED AT 2220 UTC/10 OCTOBER 2024 BY THE AUSTRALIAN SPACE WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE. "A halo CME first observed on 09-Oct arrived at Earth at 10/1515UT, resulting in G4 geomagnetic conditions on 10-Oct. G4 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 11-Oct, with a chance of G5. G2 geomagneti...
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD will be the University Youth Champion. Chris is a Computing Science teacher at Wick High School, Caithness. Since 2023, Chris has been running the Wick High […]
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
This week marks the centenary of the world’s very first transglobal two-way radio communication. On 18 October 1924 Frank Bell, 4AA, from New Zealand, and Cecil Goyder, 2SZ, from North London, changed the way in which we communicate forever by making contact on the amateur bands. To commemorate this historic contact, special call signs will […]
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
The RSGB Convention will be in full swing this weekend. If you aren’t able to attend, the RSGB has a packed livestream for each day and those livestreams are available for anyone to view. Full of presentations, interviews and videos to inspire you, this is another way to enjoy your Convention, in your way. Either […]
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
The RSGB Convention will be in full swing this weekend. If you aren’t able to attend, the RSGB has a packed livestream for each day and those livestreams are available for anyone to view. Full of presentations, interviews and videos to inspire you, this is another way to enjoy your Convention, in your way. Either […]
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
This week marks the centenary of the world’s very first trans-global two-way radio communication. On 18 October 1924 Frank Bell, 4AA, from New Zealand, and Cecil Goyder, 2SZ, from North London, changed the way in which we communicate forever by making contact on the amateur bands. To commemorate this historic contact, special call signs will […]
[RSGB] - Friday October 11 2024
YOTA (Youngsters on the Air) Month is just around the corner, and the RSGB is looking for volunteers to host the GB24YOTA call sign throughout the month of December. As in previous years, we are looking for schools, clubs, guide and scout groups and also individuals to host young radio amateurs whilst they operate with […]
[IARU R1] - Friday October 11 2024
20th IARU HST world championship started. DAY 1 at the competition is over. Results ( live ) are available at the following link: https://rufzxp.net/hst/hst_2024_index_en.html Additionally, feel free to view photo gallery and follow event channel at: https://www.facebook.com/arat.tunisia?mibextid=LQQJ4d&rdid=D5i87LtrzJwZ0jGz&share_url=httpswww.facebook.comshare1aAAdoMWDwm3ECP8mibextidLQQJ4d https://t.me/+9D1C5Ji5YN02N2Q0 …
[IARU R1] - Thursday October 10 2024
The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter September 2024 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …
[RSGB] - Tuesday October 8 2024
The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD will be the University Youth Champion. Chris is a Computing Science teacher at Wick High School, Caithness. Since 2023, Chris has been running the Wick High […]

Weekly Report

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2436

Shortened 40m Rotary Dipole Antenna, Aging Trends in Ham Radio Contesting: A Demographic Review, DIY 4:1 Current Balun with FT240-31, HB9CV On-Line Antenna Calculator , Electronic Component Distribution, The PAPA System, Charly Tango International DX-Group - Blog, Northland Antique Radio Club

Ham Radio Software