How to remote your radio

How to remote control your transceiver via internet


If you want to remote your own ham radio station, nowadays you have several solutions. Basically there are two ways

Computer Based

This solution can work with almost all radios, and can be very cheap and does not require additional investments in your shack. Basically there are two ways to do it:



This solution requires some commercial dedicated equipment and will work with selected radios only.

Some of these interfaces products support radios both on client and server mode allowing full remote radio control and even  audio transmission.

Remote Amateur Radio operations

Some interesting articles on how to remotely control your transceiver via internet:

Remote Radio Software

A selection of useful free software to control your ham radio transceiver or other shack devices, and to set up audio stream.

Additional Resources

In our links directory you can find many more resources including

Remote Amateur Radio Videos

Taken from DXZone YouTube Playlist collection, a set of videos explaining how to remote control your radios and equipment, in computerless or computer based methods.

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The DXZone merges amateur radio and Internet, since early internet days. Established in 1996 as a radio-related-mailinglist, has registered its domain name in 1998. Main goal is to review and promote ham-radio web sites, classifying them in categories. The DXZone is managed by ham radio operators with ham radio operators in mind.


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